Jul. 14, 2002


佐藤正広 (一橋大学経済研究所)

Training Courses for Statistical Enumerators -A Factor that Guaranteed the Accuracy of Statistical Data in Meiji Japan-

Masahiro Satow (The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)


 統計データの質を決定する要因はいくつかあるが、その中で、ともすれば見逃されがちなのは、統計調査の実務に携わる人々の資質であろう。本稿は、明治30年代以降に地方官庁によって実施された統計講習会について調べることを通じ、この点をあたう限り具体的に描き出すことを目的とする。『統計集誌』の記事および福島県行政文書などの資料から 判明する事実の大要は、以下の通りである。

 The aim of this article is to give some explanations about the factors that support the accuracy of the statistical data in the late Meiji period Japan. I find some facts on the training courses for statistical enumerators held by the prefectural governments. Using journal articles written by contemporary statisticians as well as some prefectural documents of the Fukushima area, I find the following facts :
1) Students : During 1900-1911 there are more than 16,000 students all over Japan, most of whom are enrolled in the courses ex officio and, thereafter, become instructors at similar courses held by local governments of the lower level, namely canton(gun), town(machi)or village(mura) governments.
2) Instructors : Some 20-30 top class statisticians who worked at the Statistical Bureau(Naikaku Toukei Kyoku), the Imperial Universities or some ministries voluntarily worked as instructors.
3) Textbook : Though the courses are not authorized by the central government but held by local governments independently of each other, many of those courses used the same textbook and had quite similar curriculum. Masao Yokoyamas "An Introductory Guide to Statistics(Toukei Tsuron)" is so to say the defacto standard textbook in Japan(moreover, even in China too), which we can read today. It implies that we can know about the theoretical backbone and its application to statistical surveys in that period.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 51, No. 3, 2000 , pp. 243-254
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/21992
JEL Classification Codes: J10