Apr. 15, 2003


樋口美雄 (慶應義塾大学商学部)

Features and Changes in Japanese Employment Policy

Yoshio Higuchi (Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University)


 この論文の目的は、雇用政策に関する政府の一連の報告書や関連する論文、さ らには項目別財政支出額の国際比較をもとに、わが国における雇用政策の特徴 とその推移を明らかにすることにある。わが国では戦後一貫して完全雇用の達 成を雇用政策の目標に掲げてきたが、その具体的内容は雇用の量的拡大から質 的向上に移った。GDPに占める項目別財政支出割合を国際比較してみると、わが国では各種の雇用政策支出に比べ公共事業費割合が圧倒的に高く、現在もその 状況が続いている。独仏もかっては公共事業割合が高かったが、80年代に入っ てから大きな政策転換を見せたのとは対照的である。また雇用政策の中では、とくに個々の企業に対し雇用保証責任を求め、行政もこれを支援し雇用の安定 を図ろうとしてきたが、その反面、企業に転勤や残業などについて包括的人事 権を広く認めることによってバランスをとってきた。しかし近年、企業を取り 巻く環境が変化する中、政策おいても「失業なき円滑が労働移動」が可能になるよう、新規雇用の創出や職業紹介機能の強化、能力開発支援に力を注ぐ動きが少しずつ見られるようになってきた、また多様な人材が多様な就業形態で能力を発揮できるように機会均等を図り、市場が機能するためのルールや基盤を整理する政策も重視されるようになりつつある。

 This paper draws upon a series of government reports on employment policy and cross-national expenditure data in order to clarify the features and recent changes in Japanese labor policy. In the postwar era, employment policy objectives in have consistently been to reach full employment and specifically to move from quantitative measures to qualitative improvements. A cross-national comparison of financial expenditures as a percentage of GDP reveals that the public works share of expenditures in every category of employment policy has been and continues to be overwhelmingly high in Japan. In France and Germany this ratio used to be high, however, a major policy shift in the 1980s offers a strong contrast. In order to ensure employment stability, demands were placed on Japanese firms to take responsibility for employment security and government policies reinforced this dependence. The flip side, however, was that firms were granted large right over personnel decisions such as transfers and overtime. However, in recent years, the environment surrounding firms has changed and labor policy as well has begun to move in the direction of boosting job creation and recruiting services, and towards policies to help develop skills in order to make "a smooth transition without unemployment" possible. Furthermore, in order for all kinds of people to gain access to a variety of jobs and utilize their skills, policies that promote equal opportunity and remedy discriminatory practices also have become more important.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 52, No. 2, 2001 , pp. 107-116
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/21834
JEL Classification Codes: J65, J68