Apr. 25, 2011


攝津斉彦 (一橋大学経済研究所)

Revision of National Income Estimates on the Tertiary Industry in Pre-war Japan -An Approach to Reexamining Long-Term Economic Statistics-

Tokihiko Settsu (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)


 本稿では,大川一司等による『長期経済統計1 国民所得』で推計された産業別純生産のうち,第三次産業所得に焦点あて,その再推計を試みる.第三次産業所得の推計にあたって,大川等は有業者数に1人あたり所得を乗じて総所得を求める所得アプローチを採用した.しかし,そこで用いられた有業者数が総所得推計後に改訂されたため,『長期経済統計』シリーズの完結後も,総所得推計と有業者数推計の平仄が合わないままになっていた.本稿は両者の齟齬の解消を第一の目的とし,これに1人あたり所得系列の再計算および副業者所得の推計を加えることで,大川等による推計値を大幅に改訂した.

 It has been known that there are some inconsistencies in Long-Term Economic Statistics (LTES) series edited by Okawa et al. In regard to the estimates on the tertiary industry, Y. Yasuba has already pointed out that the number of labour force used for estimating total income of this industry is quite different from the one in the other volume of LTES. This paper provides new national income estimates on the tertiary industry in pre-war Japan by not only resolving this serious inconsistency on the labour force but also recalculating the per-capita income and the income of workers who have subsidiary works in this industry.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 60, No. 2, 2009 , pp. 97-111
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/21448
JEL Classification Codes: E01, N15, N75