Jul. 25, 2015
店長は重要か? —大手自動車販売会社の人事・製品取引データによる計量的事例研究—
How to Get Good Managers —An Econometric Case Study of a Large Japanese Auto Dealership—
この論文では,日本を代表する大手自動車販売会社の人事および製品取引データを用いて,店長の生産性効果や配置の問題を分析した.その結果,次の点が明らかになった. (1)店長は重要である.店舗業績に対して大きな効果をもつ.平均的店長と比べて「悪い」店長を「良い」店長に置き換えると,新車販売による店舗獲得利益は約14%向上する. (2)店長配置の基本パターンは「小規模店舗から大規模店舗へ」である.また,業績が悪化している店舗には,店舗経験の長い店長が配置される. (3)若い店長や店長昇進前に新車販売以外の経験も有するキャリアの幅の広い店長が,店舗成績を伸ばしていた. (4)店長の学習効果はあまり重要ではなく,店長を教育して生産性を上げるよりも,「良い店長」を正しく選抜することがより重要である.
Managers could have substantial influences over their subordinates’ productivity. Using the personnel and transaction data from one of the largest auto dealership in Japan, this paper discusses how large the impact of having a good manager is, how managers are assigned to workplaces, which managers are more likely to achieve high productivity, and how much managers can improve their performance through learning by doing. Our primary findings are: (1) replacing “bad” managers at one standard deviation below the average with “good” managers at one standard deviation above the average improves the branch profit by 14%; (2) new managers are assigned to small branches and laterally moved to larger branches as they accumulate experience. In addition, more experienced managers are more likely to be assigned to branches with declining profits; (3) young managers and those with broader experience tend to perform better than old ones and those with narrow experience only in new car sales; (4) the effects of learning-by-doing are small, thus, selecting good managers is more important than training managers.
書誌情報Bibliographic information
Vol. 64, No. 3, 2013 , pp. 204-217
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/26659
JEL Classification Codes: J24, M53, M54