Jan. 25, 2007


清川雪彦 (一橋大学経済研究所)

Transfers of Modern Silk-Reeling Technology into Pre-Independent India -Reconsideration of the Factors Obstructing Their Accomplishments-

Yukihiko Kiyokawa (The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)


 しかし本稿では,ベンガル以外の地域をも考察することにより,それらに加え,(1)品質意識の欠如や (2)技術改良を促進するための研究開発努力の不足,あるいは (3)そうした改良活動を背後で支える蚕糸業教育の不十分さなど,社会的諸条件の欠如こそが,むしろより重要であったことが明らかにされている.

 Pre-independent India had many opportunities to contact with European sericulture technologies. Thus modern silk-reeling technology with the filature system was transplanted into Bengal in the early 19th century, and into Kashmir and Mysore at the end of the century. These transplanted technologies, however, died out soon or were fossilized without any development and diffusion.
This paper aims at finding the causes of such failures of those technology transfers. While disadvantages of multivoltine silkworms due to meteorological conditions were emphasized so far, our analysis uncovers the following social conditions as more serious factors: (1) lack of quality consciousness; (2) shortage of R&D activities; and (3) insufficiency of sericultural education in the India sericulture industry.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 56, No. 1, 2005 , pp. 69-89
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/21222