Oct. 25, 2019


外木暁幸 (東洋大学経済学部), 木村めぐみ (一橋大学イノベーション研究センター), 小松怜史 (内閣府経済社会総合研究所), 大竹 暁 (内閣府経済社会総合研究所)

Estimation of Investment and Capital Stock in Theatrical Movie in Japan

Akiyuki Tonogi (Faculty of Economics, Toyo University)), Megumi Kimura (Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University), Reiji Komatsu (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan), Satoru Otake (Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)


 国民経済計算の国際基準である2008SNAでは,映画を含む「娯楽,文学,芸術作品の原本」を固定資産として取り扱うことが勧告されている.しかし,我が国においては,基礎統計の制約により知的財産生産物には計上していない.「娯楽,文学,芸術作品の原本」のうち,本稿では映画資本に着目し,映画制作の実態等の情報収集・整理を行った.これを受けて,特定サービス産業実態調査の個票を用いてコスト積上方式による映画資本投資の推計を試みたが,映画制作業の売上の推移と比較して不安定な系列しか得られなかった.次に,Soloveichik (2013)の方法に準拠して映画興行収入,ソフト売上のデータから割引現在価値方式による映画資本投資の推計を行った.2015年の日本の映画投資の対GDP比率は約0.017%,映画資本ストックの対GDP比率は0.16%程度で,それぞれ米国の同比率と比較してかなり低いことが明らかとなった.

 The UN 2008 SNA recommends that statistical agencies should count "Entertainment, Literary and Artistic Originals (ELAOs)", including theatrical movies, as fixed capital. The Japanese SNA does not account the ELAOs in Intellectual Property Product currently, because of the lack of data resources in Japan. In this paper, we focus on the theatrical movie sector, among ELAOs in Japan. First, we collect and organize information about theatrical movie production. Second, based on that data, we try to estimate the production cost of theatrical movies using the micro data of "Survey of Selected Service Industries" from METI. In spite of our attempt, the estimated production cost data is not stable in compared to the sales of movie productions. Third, we estimate the production of theatrical movies based on the method of net discounted value of profit, which adopted by Soloveichik (2013) using the data of the box-office revenues and the soft sales. As a result, the ratio of the theatrical movie investment to nominal GDP is 0.017% and the ratio of the capital stock of theatrical movie to nominal GDP is 0.16% in 2015 in Japan. Those ratios are considerably lower than the ratios in the US, respectively.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 68, No. 4, 2017 , pp. 324-347
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/28844
JEL Classification Codes: E01, E22