Jul. 25, 2019


祝迫得夫 (一橋大学経済研究所)

Japanese Corporate Savings and Saving-Investment Balance

Tokuo Iwaisako (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)


 本稿では,経常収支に関する貯蓄投資バランス論の立場から,日本の民間貯蓄のうち,特に企業貯蓄に焦点をあてて分析する.先行研究に基づいて,労働と資本の間の分配の変化が,企業貯蓄の変動につながっていたかを検証するため,近年の日本のデータについて労働分配率と企業貯蓄の関係を検証したところ,労働分配率に長期的な低下傾向は見られず,両変数の変動のタイミングも一致していないことが分かった.日本の企業貯蓄の高止まりは,主に民間の非金融法人企業部門の財産所得の動向,すなわち(1) 1900年代末から2000年代半ばにかけての負債の削減による金利支払いの低下,(2) リーマン・ショック後の一時的な配当支払いの減少,(3) 2010年代に入ってからの企業利潤の回復によって説明される.また法人企業統計の企業規模別データによる検証では,このような集計レベルでの労働分配率や企業貯蓄の変動が,主に大企業のこれらの変数の変動によって引き起こされていることが分かった.

 In this paper, we examine the recent behavior of Japanese corporate savings, paying attentions to its impact on private sector saving and the domestic saving-investment balance. We start with the argument made by the previous study that the global decline of labor share led to the global decline of corporate savings as the benchmark. We closely examine the relationship between Japanese labor share and corporate savings in recent years and found that there is no long-term declining trend in labor share. The timing of the fluctuations of two variables also do not coincide. The high level of corporate savings in Japan is mainly attributable to the trends in property income of the private non-financial corporate sector, including (1) lower interest payments due to the reduction of interest-bearing debt from the end of the 1900s to the mid 2000s, (2) a temporary decrease in dividend payments after the Lehman shock, and (3) the recovery of corporate profits from the beginning of the 2010s. We also examine these issues using Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations by Industry (Houjin-Kigyo Tokei) grouped by enterprise size, and find that fluctuations in labor share and corporate savings at the aggregate level are mainly caused by fluctuations in these variables for the largest enterprises.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 68, No. 3, 2017 , pp. 209-221
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/28704
JEL Classification Codes: E2, E25, G30, F32