Apr. 24, 2020

第1回国勢調査と日本の統計学 --亀田豊治朗による抽出結果の学説史的意義--

上藤一郎 (静岡大学学術院人文社会科学領域)

Application of Sampling Method to the First Japanese Population Census: A Historical Evaluation of the Sampling Theory and Practice by Toyojiro Kameda

Ichiro Uwafuji (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencies, Shizuoka University)



 The main purpose of this paper is to verify that application of sampling method to the First Japanese Population Census is a study presenting “mathematization of statistics” in Japan. The word, “mathematization of statistics” is my special term for analyzing the historical process of statistics. The three problems addressed in this paper are as follows. First, I analyze the common points among various researches concerning “mathematization of statistics” in the world of around 1920. Second, I clarify details on the sampling theory and practice by Toyojiro Kameda, because the application of sampling to First Japanese Population Census was realized by Kameda. Finally, I try to evaluate his contribution to the development of statistics in Japan from the viewpoint of “mathematization of statistics”.

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書誌情報Bibliographic information

Vol. 69, No. 2, 2018 , pp. 97-114
HERMES-IR(一橋大学機関リポジトリ): https://doi.org/10.15057/29173
JEL Classification Codes: B, C, Y